Sharp Mind

Sharp Mind

$ 9.95

  • Sharp Mind

Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Soft pads, gentle piano notes, soothing flute
Sound Waves: Alpha

Based on scientific research, Sharp Mind helps improve working memory, which is essential for processing information without losing track of what you are doing.

Working Memory can be thought of as a temporary sticky note in the brain, holding onto important details as we work, study, and speak.

Simply put on your headphones and listen along to improve this vital part of your memory and stay sharp!

Download your copy now.

The Sharp Mind program is based on a study that tested the impact of different acoustic stimulations on participants performing an N-back working memory task. The study conditions included no stimulation, pure tones, classical music, and binaural beats at 5 Hz, 10 Hz, and 15 Hz. Researchers measured accuracy and brain activity using EEG recordings.

The key finding was that 15 Hz binaural beats significantly improved task accuracy, modulated brain frequency responses, and strengthened cortical network connections. This effect on working memory was not observed with other conditions (1).

What Is Working Memory?

Working memory is a cognitive system that temporarily holds and manipulates information necessary for complex tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. It can be thought of as a mental workspace where information is actively processed and managed. Unlike short-term memory, which is primarily about storing information briefly, working memory involves actively using that information to complete tasks.

Imagine you are solving a math problem in your head, such as 23 + 47. Here’s how working memory is engaged:

1. Retaining Information: You keep the numbers 23 and 47 in your mind.
2. Processing Steps:  You break the problem down into steps (e.g., adding 20 + 40 and 3 + 7).
3. Manipulating Numbers: You perform the calculations (20 + 40 = 60 and 3 + 7 = 10).
4. Combining Results: You combine the results to get the final answer (60 + 10 = 70).

Throughout this process, working memory is holding the numbers and intermediate results, and manipulating them to arrive at the solution.

Importance of Working Memory

Working memory is vital for activities such as reading comprehension, mathematical calculations, and following multi-step instructions. It allows us to hold and manipulate information, which is essential for understanding and learning new concepts.

It is important for planning, organizing, and regulating behavior. It helps in goal setting and execution by maintaining and manipulating information relevant to achieving objectives.

In daily life, working memory helps with tasks like following a conversation, navigating new routes, cooking from a recipe, or keeping track of items during shopping. It enables us to perform problem-solving tasks that require holding multiple pieces of information in mind and using them as needed.

Furthermore, working memory supports attention by allowing us to focus on the task at hand while filtering out irrelevant information. This selective attention is vital for efficiency and productivity.

Working Memory Decline

As we age, our working memory declines, affecting various cognitive functions. This decline reduces the capacity to hold and manipulate information, making complex tasks more challenging. Cognitive processing speed also slows down, leading to longer times for decision-making and problem-solving.

Executive functions, including attention shifting, filtering irrelevant information, and updating working memory, also deteriorate. This makes it harder to manage and manipulate information, adapt to new situations, and switch tasks. Older adults become more susceptible to distractions and interference from previously stored information.

These changes impact daily life, making multitasking, navigation, and learning new skills more difficult. Social interactions can suffer due to challenges in tracking conversations and remembering personal details. Overall, working memory decline affects both personal and professional activities as we age.

Sharp Mind Frequency and Music Tuning

In accordance with the aforementioned study, Sharp Mind uses a binaural beats frequency of 15 Hz (Alpha). In addition to the binaural beats frequencies, we have tuned the instrumentation in this program to 741 Hz, a frequency taken from the ancient Solfeggio scale and associated with problem solving and our ability to express ourselves freely.

How to Use the Sharp Mind Program

The Sharp Mind program can be used at any time. It is an Alpha frequency program, which means it is suitable for listening to while either relaxing or doing activities such as working on a computer, reading, cleaning, gardening, etc. However, as we advise with all our programs, do not use this program while driving or operating machinery.

To listen, simply put on your headphones and press play.

Your Download Package

Your download package contains three different versions of the Sharp Mind program:

Versions 1 & 2: Available in both 30-minute and 60-minute durations, the 60-minute version offers an extended listening experience compared to the 30-minute version. Both versions feature the same soothing music overlay combined with binaural beats frequencies.

Version 3: A 60-minute raw binaural beats tone, which is just the frequency track without any additional music overlay. This version may not appeal to everyone initially, as it can be an acquired taste. However, it provides an excellent opportunity for experimentation and may prove highly effective for you.

Please note:

This program can be played through a portable speaker, tablet, or phone without headphones. However, in this mode, you'll only experience the calming effects of the music, missing out on the full benefits of the binaural beats frequencies. For the complete experience, we highly recommend using headphones.


Download your copy of Sharp Mind now.