432 hz music meditation
Earth Vibration (432 Hz)

Earth Vibration (432 Hz)

$ 9.95

  • Earth Vibration
  • https://www.binauralbeatsmeditation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Earth-Vibration-1-min-sample.mp3
  • https://www.binauralbeatsmeditation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Earth-Vibration-1-min-sample.ogg

Track Length: Includes 30 & 60-minute versions, and the raw binaural beats tone
Sound Design: Serene ambience, warm pads, melodic wolf howls
Sound Waves: Theta ( music tuned to 432 Hz)

Earth Vibration tunes your mind and body to the frequency of our planet’s heartbeat, fostering a profound connection with Earth and all living beings.

Regular listening aids in emotional and physical healing, aligning you with the Universe for a contented, peaceful existence.

Experience profound inner harmony. Download Earth Vibration now.

Earth Vibration is one of our most beloved creations. Perhaps the main reason for this is that the composition includes real wolf howls taken from a live field recording.

This organic element of the track greatly contributes to creating a profound connection with the natural world. Combined with soothing pads and calming ambience, it induces a deeply relaxed, centered state of mind.

The Earth's Heartbeat

Earth Vibration utilizes a Theta binaural beats frequency at 7.83 Hertz (Hz). This frequency is commonly referred to as the heartbeat or pulse of our planet.

So, how do we determine the Earth's pulse?

Well, the Earth can be seen as a colossal electric circuit, and its electromagnetic field resonates at an average natural frequency of 7.83 Hertz, although it does experience slight fluctuations over time.

This frequency is also known as the “Schumann Resonance,” named after physicist Dr. Winfried Otto Schumann, who calculated and discovered this resonance.

When we consider the deep relaxation we experience when immersed in nature, whether by the seaside or walking through a forest, it's unsurprising that the Earth's frequency aligns with the soothing Theta range.

However, this frequency offers more than just relaxation and a sense of unity with the world. It has been shown to possess healing properties, which is not surprising given that nature itself is inherently therapeutic.

A research study examined the impact of a 7.83 Hz frequency on cancer cells compared to other frequencies, and the results were notably positive.

The results yielded a 17% inhibition rate under 7.83 Hz compared with that of the control group. Moreover, sweep frequencies in narrow intervals (7.83 ± 0.1 Hz for the step 0.05 Hz) caused an inhibition rate of 26.4%, and inhibitory effects decreased as frequency sweep intervals increased

These results indicate that a Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and that using a specific frequency type can lead to more effective growth inhibition (1).

In short, this frequency has shown anti-carcinogenic properties. For this reason alone, it is definitely worth listening to.

Harmonic Intonation of Nature

To complement the Theta frequency binaural beats, the music in the composition of Earth Vibration has been tuned to 432 Hz.

This tuning is also recognized as a harmonic intonation of nature due to its musical relationship with 8 Hz, although we won't delve into the intricacies of this concept here, as it is quite technical.

432 Hz is also referred to as Verdi's ‘A' since the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi considered this frequency to be a perfect pitch for tuning opera voices and instruments.

Both Verdi and Mozart understood that this frequency held a mathematical consistency with the universe. As a result, it is believed to transmit beneficial healing energy, inducing a sense of calm and peace in audiences during performances and after listening.

Additionally, many ancient instruments are tuned to 432 Hz. According to Ananda Bosman, an international researcher and musician, numerous ancient Egyptian instruments discovered by archaeologists are tuned to this frequency.

In more recent times, Jamie Buturff, a highly acclaimed sound researcher, found that Tibetan monks' singing bowls are often tuned to 432 Hz due to the frequency's meditative effects and its influence on consciousness.

We have an extensive blog post you can read on the history of this wonderful frequency, which you can find here.

How to Use the 432 Hz Meditation

You can listen to Earth Vibration at any time. However, for the best listening experience, we recommend finding a place free from distractions and being in the mood for quiet contemplation.

We have found that listening at sunrise or sunset enhances the engagement, as these times coincide with natural shifts on Earth.

As the music progresses, you can expect to experience a profound inner calm. You will notice a harmonization of your spiritual vibration with the universe, creating a dance of healing and revitalization.

After listening, you may feel a slight sense of being spaced out and may want to sit for a while. This is quite normal. If you feel inclined to meditate, reflect on your thoughts, or even listen again, let your intuition guide your actions. There is no right or wrong approach in this regard.

Earth Vibration is one of our most popular programs, and our users have reported numerous benefits from regular listening. These include:

  • Decreased feelings of stress and anxiety.
  • Increased feelings of contentment.
  • Improved healing of tension, aches, and pains.
  • Better sleep.
  • A happier, more positive outlook on life.
  • A deeper sense of connection with others and the world at large.