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Study Shows Alpha Waves Have Long-Term Relaxing Effect

Alpha brainwaves are associated with stress reduction, relaxation, flow, and positive thinking. Using binaural beats has become a popular way to encourage the brain to produce more Alpha waves and enable a listener to access these positive mental states. In 2017, the effect of Alpha waves binaural beats audio was studied at the Department of Electronic Engineering and Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology in Malaysia.

alpha binaural beats for learning

Using Alpha Binaural Beats for Learning

Can binaural beats really help you learn better? The short answer is yes, but to provide proof of this, we need to look at two things; firstly, the state of mind conducive to learning and memory improvement, and secondly, the capabilities of binaural beats and how they affect the brain.


How Binaural Beats Can Boost Confidence & Improve Self-Esteem

Confidence is all in the mind. It’s about mindset, and mindset is difficult to change. The question is: can brainwave entrainment, in this case binaural beats, help you improve your confidence?
The short answer is yes, particularly when combined with positive subliminal messaging.