Gamma Waves

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Gamma binaural beats, or Gamma waves, are often confused with gamma rays.

However, the two are not related. Gamma rays are a type of radiation, whereas Gamma waves occur in the human brain.

Gamma waves oscillate in the brain at between 30 and 100 Hz, though a more typical Gamma frequency is considered 40+ Hz.

There is some contention as to where the Beta state stops and Gamma starts, though 40 Hz is a popular Gamma frequency and one associated with better memory.

Gamma Waves & Memory

Our popular Memory Enhancer track contains 40 Hz Gamma binaural beats, which research shows may enhance long term memory.

The results reported:

Stimulation of gamma should enhance long term memory capacity. More research is required to unlock the human brains’ protocol key. This key will enable the processing of information directly to and from human memory via gamma, the hippocampus and the temporal lobe.

Gamma waves are very interesting because they may be implicated in creating the unity of conscious perception, know as the binding problem: how objects, background, and abstract or emotional features are combined into a single experience.

Kundalini Energy & Gamma Waves

The role gamma waves play in the binding experience is not entirely clear, but this relates directly to our Kundalini Awakening recording.

Kundalini energy is said to live inside us all and, when uncoiled takes us to a new level of expanded consciousness, which brings with it feelings of bliss, infinite love, universal connectivity and transcendent awareness.

Whether or not gamma wave activity is related to subjective awareness is a very difficult question, but it seems to correlate with the ancient practices around Kundalini, which have been rooted in Eastern traditions for centuries.

Gamma Waves & Meditation

Moving on to a less spiritual and more scientific point of view: research found that advanced meditators – who have practiced for years or decades – showed an increase in production of high-frequency Gamma waves when meditating compared with novice and moderately experienced meditators.

Interestingly, their Gamma wave readings were also higher when they weren’t meditating.

This study revealed that there is something fundamentally different about how advanced meditators experience the world, both during meditation and everyday activities.

Since meditation is known to have a number of health benefits – stress reduction, mood elevation, and increased life expectancy of the mind and its cognitive function – this evidence suggests Gamma waves play a role in these benefits and our overall experience of the world.

In short, increasing Gamma wave production by using Gamma binaural beats can only be a positive thing.

How to Get Started

Our Gamma binaural beats meditations can help your brain move into the Gamma state, that is to produce more Gamma brainwaves.

Whether for improving memory or stimulating Kundalini energy, our Gamma binaural beats tracks are instantly downloadable and provided in 30-minute and 1-hour versions.

You will also receive a copy of our user guide, which provides information on best practices for getting the most out of your listening experience.